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Bonus - Getting high on music (UNEDITTED)

11/10/17, 2215

My own high drawing with a cheeky four colours bio pen hahaha


Im high asf right now. Literally just had a session so ima try do a writing whilst im high and see how it goes. They say it can be influnential artistically so lets put that to the test. You can be the judge

Listening to classical music right now and just thinking about how damn beautiful, inspirational and flowing it is. It has this transcendent nature. Its when I talk/feel like this about music when I know im am genuinely high on music. This is a durg that is very accessible for all, that most of us cannot live without. Its addictive nature is our cure, day in day out. Without it where are you? You don’t need to be on anything else to get this sensation either. You can sit down, put some dope over the head ear phones on to ensure the experience is put to its best use, and just listen. Actually listen though, you don’t just hear it. Its what you concentrate on. It alters your emotions. It absorbs you if you will. Traits that can be related to many drugs.

Im trying to find my mate (shout out b dawg) some classical music so ive got that playlist going. Its pretty damn good. The good thing about classical music is it appeals to all tastes in music if you listen to it in depth, really listen to it, then there is so much emotion there. But most people write it off because it is traditional and out of fashion. They cant see the beauty in it, the intense music knowledge that was required to write such music. The theory behind it all is so impressive. That is another reason why people sometimes cant feel music. But I think this is those who are less addicted to the drug. Those that go far to learn all the theory really love the drug. They want to know it inside and out, how its made and why it does what it does. Its becomes an obsession. A goal to constantly concentrate on. Its becomes a process of analysis fuelled by love. No. Passion.

There are not that many down sides to this drug. Its reasonably safe in the short term a part from potentially letting the emotions get the better of you. However, this usually fixes it self or reveals a deeper problem that you should be attending to. And I realise sometimes they are uncontainable, and it sucks, but some music has that effect over you.

Who knows? Maybe its just me. Maybe no one else feels like this, but I don’t think so. So many people just fucking love getting high on music, they cant get enough of it. I mean, I fucking love music but there are people who love music even more than me, and I love it a shit load. What I don’t understand is how ya cant love it? It’s the never ending drug with no down fall. The high doesn’t interfere with your everyday life, there are no long term damages unless you listen to music too loud, but that’s your silly fault lolz. For those who are considering to start taking the drug should be warned that it can damage your ears in the long term. On that note ill turn my music down haha. No, people would still listen to it too loud becsue its so fucking good, especially when you high on another drug as well.

Enhanced when on other drugs just as any other combos of drugs. The same as when you feel higher if you are a bit tipsy and vice versa. It works with music as well. More drugs=enhanced high. But there is a limit. Sometime it can be too much. Just is the case with music. The tipping point is when a song sparks so much emotion that they over come you. Consider this notion. Movies are a form of entertainment, a drug in a way. When put with a music, it is one intense experience that puts you over the edge. You can lose control of them emotions. Don’t tell me you haven’t cried when Mufasa dies and Simba just like “up to dad wake up.” That fucking pulls the old heart strings. You are on the edge of breaking down. You are completely abosorbed by the drug. And I reckon the main component that pushes you over the edge is definitely the music. The music portrays the emoition of the film. A lot of people don’t even realise this but act it out sub consiciously.

Think im just gunna go for a short one, keen to go watch something. I just sculled a green tea, churr. Peace and love cause im high and hippies and stuff <3 xx.

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