Frist Draft-10/10/17, 0100. 17th Writing.
There is a multitude of virtues. Some believe it is impossible to pick one that transcends the other. But without truth, where are we?
Truth is what can conquer chaos. It’s the force that leads you out of the debts of hell. Truth is what everything is made of. What makes a successful relationship? Truth. If both parties follow this law, then the best long-term conclusion will manifest. Without, the relationship is a fraud; built on falsehoods that lead you into brick walls. You will actually start to believe the lies that you have desperately preached. This is the darkest road one can venture down. How can one expose themselves to someone without truth? Yes, we can all put on a persona and play the game, but that is not who we TRULY are. Those who think that haven’t met themselves yet and they are in for a shock when they do. It doesn’t take long to see if someone knows themselves or not. People act like they know what the fuck they are up to and know how everything should be, which is just utter shit. If you truly know yourself, then you know that you will never fully understand yourself. You are rather like a river, made up of the same materials but constantly changing. That’s about as good of a conclusion I can come to. And I think that scares people; people don’t want to believe they have no idea what the fuck is going on. They play their ignorance out in the real world and they start to forget about what matters, they start to forget who they are. It starts with you. Have you explored who you are, what your values are, what you want from life? For if you haven’t, then your just another pawn living in a storm of lies and biases that you have been exposed to, operating in this world with no map, and with no map you don’t know how to get where you want to go.
This is where the dark side of being agreeable presents itself. If you are too agreeable, then you will just go along with what is laid out for you, what has been said, despite you question the validity of such things deep down. You avoid the conflict for the “greater good” of the social situation. But when you avoid this conflict, you sacrifice a part of yourself. Once you make a habit of denying your own thoughts and beliefs, your individuality slips out of your grasp. That’s when the manipulative scmubag picks you up and slots you in as another cog in their machine. I’m disagreeable in nature (to the 97th percentile apparently) and I hold no shame in that. When I first became conscious of my disagreeableness (which I discovered by exploring myself) I was scared. I had a bias that this was a bad thing, a horrible trait to be powered by. But then I analysed it on another level and found it to be something to fear. It’s not wrong, it’s not shameful and its most definitely not dishonest. When I was aligning my values, I realised that I truly do honour honesty above all. This correlates with being disagreeable. Without it, you can’t follow your truth. The thing you must realise though is that your truth can be wrong. But you can’t find out if your truth is wrong by sitting in the corner, being a pussy, agreeing with everyone. Don’t get me wrong, being agreeable has it’s own set of virtues/values. Every trait comes with it’s associated pros and cons, I love that about human psychology, there is no one answer. I realise it is no easy task to stand up for what you believe to be true, as it can lead to some serious quarrels. But if you don’t bring it up, what will happen? Sure, in the immediate moment the social situation will remain stable, but if you follow that philosophy over a period of time? Your soul will slowly drain away, melting into that tribalist nature our genes are programmed for, like a sheep, blindly entering the truck, inherent to their doom. Us disagreeable folk must be careful about how and when we pick our arguments though. It is not always the best option, even though in your nature you want to have a dig. That’s the hard part, knowing how to utilize the weapon, when to unleash its full potential and not to over use its power. Ye old ‘with great power come great responsibility’, thank spidey.
This also brings forth the notion of how important free speech is. As soon as the government starts interfering with what we can say, then how can we speak our truth? Even if someone’s truth is crazy, we should listen to it. We might learn something new, or they may show us they are one dangerous mother fucker (better of knowing someone’s dangerous, right?). If we cannot talk about things then we cannot solve problems, it is that simple. It seems our current social situation is getting dangerously close to doing away with freed of speech. People won’t listen to the opposition any more. I was in a discussion/friendly debate the other day. I started talking about something that she didn’t agree with one bit, so she choose to put my opinion in the ‘unworthy’ category in her mind, going in one ear and out the other. No point listening to this guy, just write him off as an idiot who has no idea what he’s talking about. The real diagnosis on this situation is that she didn’t have the balls to listen to a view she has a bias against. She didn’t consider what her enemies had to say because she had already made up her mind. Stubborn. We have a lot of biases programmed into us that are near impossible to bring up in conversation because you will just get attacked, discredited as a human and thrown to the sharks while they flip you the bird. A lot of the time, these people have very little legitimate knowledge on said opinion that they are so confident in, which is like, who the fuck does this cunt think they are? A god given gift for the people to instantiate their own beliefs as the one and only truth? Out of here bras!! Most of these people have been told a lie, or been indoctrinated on a certain topic without being presented any evidence for their point of view or exposure to the other side of the argument and its credible points. Once political agenda enters the educational environment, it is a woeful road in which we don’t know where/how it concludes. Dangerous, dangerous times.
The thing that scares me the most about the truth (and I believe one should be truly terrified of what they value most in this world), the embedded nature it possesses in being near impossible to find. In our days, there is as many facts as there are stars, how do we know which ones stand true? There are so many that can both be true but simultaneously cannot co-exist with the other. How the fuck do we play with that? And people love to use certain facts to enforce their personal beliefs on others. In Orwell’s book, 1984, we see the danger in falsification. They chose what history to keep track of. They alter the facts to work in their favour. The characters literally have no truth of their own to follow, so they must follow the truth of the highest power, Big Brother. Along with this they have TV’s that can hear/see everything you do, meaning you are constantly being watched and heard (that’s a scary concept man!). This insures that no one’s allowed to develop their own truths, and if they do, the “Thought Police” (great name) come in and take care of the situation. Now, I realise that’s not the world we live in, but some of the themes are relatable and we have seen them played out in the past. In Soviet Russia it was something crazy like 2/3 people were government informants. That means if you had a family of say, six, four of your family members were monitoring everything you would say or do and reporting it back to govenerment. If you said anything against the will of the Soviet power, death. WTF??!!That sounds like a good place to live ae. Think about how private your life really is now. Social media, in fact just media in general, spoon-feeds us so much bullshit that we just accept it to be true. It’s so dangerous. I know that when I’m scrolling my news feed and I see a news headline, I’ll probably just accept that its true without even reading the article, researching it myself or listening to the other side. This is a fucking horrible habit I believe we all (or the majority) of us engage in, just to make it look like we are smart and insightful. The truth of the matter is we don’t know shit. We are just recycling some bullshit that we happened to glance at for two minutes. That is not knowledge! We do not earn the right to share such views from a measly headline. It’s impossible to know who you can trust anymore, and we don’t even know where these headlines are from. Who’s getting paid to do what, who’s out to destroy the world, where are the problems, what can we do??? The extreme danger of falsifying the truth, a massive problem has no easy solution.
The dark side of the truth is a horror that one doesn’t want to encounter either. It will most definitely hand you over to the hands of chaos and in some cases, leave no chance for resurrection. This is betrayal. They say that betrayal is one of the hardest psychological obstacles to get over. It tortures you. Dante, in his Inferno, believed this was the deepest hell one could venture down to. For once you are betrayed, what do you know? Your past is in ruins, everything you believed to be true with that relationship (the established axioms), have been abolished. You don’t know what the past tells you, but it probably tells you that you are a gullible loser who was blind of the demon that slept beside you at night. Your present is fucked. You don’t know where you stand anymore because your past makes you who you are. Your mind is spinning out of control, having no clue how to reform the mess encapsulated in your brain. And you have no idea what your future holds. You had a set plan, including how the relationship would play out and now that has been wiped. So, you don’t know where you have been, you don’t know where you are now and you have no idea where you are going. All of this because of the truth. It’s in situations of betrayal where malevolence plays its hand on people. Like a snake, it will slide into your mind and poison your thoughts. The betrayed will believe the world is corrupt and set out to make life’s suffering tenfold (which is understandable and they have every right to think so you could argue), leaving them with only a few available roads out. The evil road is always the most appealing, such as seeking revenge. An emotion powered by your inner shadow, which never ends up how you thought. The harder roads are those of retribution, reformation, a clean sheet to write on. These take a lot of work, time, effort and patience, but those who walk these roads are strong mother fuckers. So, if/when you encounter betrayal, take a step back and think about what is powering your next move.
Therefore, the truth is a double edged sword that must be wielded with caution. To ensure our life of suffering is worth it, we need to have a purpose. To ensure we have a purpose, we need to have meaningful relationships. To have meaningful relationships, we need complete honesty. Truth, is the only guide for a successful relationship. It can pull you from darkness and show the light. It is the only way that we can try to make some sense of our complicated nature/being. We will never know the full truth, but this doesn’t mean the pursuit is useless. It’s just the best option that we have. Do you have a better alternative? Remember, it starts with you. Are you truthful to yourself? If not, how can you ever be trusted? If not, how can you say things that you believe? If not, you, me and everyone else are in grave danger, for god only know where the truthless road leads.