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  • Writer's pictureScruffy Chinwags

Pick a Future

First Conceived: 17/08/19, 0905.

Been a minute. Let us get back to the team of DAWK! Council, I need a hand here. How do I know which passion to follow? How do I know which career opportunity/option to move towards?


The Wise King kicked things off, “Good day to you all. Seems we have come to a fork in the road with our young friend here. He is struggling to pick which adventure he shall indulge in. With a number of potential opportunities, it can be difficult to assess which end is the one he truly desires. We only get one choice (for now at least), so let us see what comes of the discussion. The way I see it, we must firstly decide on a prospective stable or extreme future. A stable future would consider the low risk options, which result in a guarantee of comfort (more or less). However, it would come with its flaws, such as a potentially meaningless life, filled with resentment and bitterness about the what could have been if the boy had been a dream chaser. Whereas an extreme future allows the boy to exactly that. Follow his heart, his passion and see what comes of it, by means of a high-risk high-reward option. The problem with this approach is ‘see what comes of it’ could ensue a detrimental future.”


“Well it is an easy decision then.” The Witch interjected “The extreme future clearly! Our vessel needs to live on the edge. We all know how he gets his kicks; he is an explorer! He wants to do it all his way and push back against the norms. You make it sound like the ‘see what comes of it’ is only negative, and they call you wise! The extreme gives him a respect he deserves, wealth beyond any stupid 9-5 slave work, and a heap of fucking joy to go around. Even you said so ‘Wise King’, the stable path leads to resentment and bitterness, how could we push that on our precious life source? I think you have done sussed it all with that one statement, couldn’t have bloody well said it better.”


“That is a foolish falsehood, trust me I know.” Said The Devil, smirking under his statement. “To use your premise in reverse, you make it sounds as though the stable option is only negative. You fail to see the flaw with your own standpoint; strawman bitch! You grow weaker every day, why is she even here?” The Witch was provoked, but the Devil held the light. “There is one thing you got right you old hag, the extreme approach garners respect of the highest degree, resulting in a heightened socio-economic status, leading to doors of opportunity opening left right and centre. HOWEVER, that is a big ‘IF’ to bet on. I think this ‘if-so’ existence will more than luckily conclude in the ultimate form of failure. That’s right boy, death. Maybe not physically, but in term of hierarchy, no doubt. ‘If’ he fails, aka the more likely outcome, then he will find himself flirting with the life of a zero at the bottom of the food chain. Is there anything worse? Anyone? And I ask, once again to reverse your standpoint, who are we to put the boy there? To put the boy down with my minions in hell? No! The stable option is the safe route, don’t let him toy with death!”


The Angel began in a calm manner “We must consider how the child will feel in choosing each path. In choosing the extreme path, the boy is forced to apply himself and encounter the world in a brave and valiant manner to bring about his own destiny. This path will have many learning curves and potholes along the way, sure, but our child is strong and handles negative emotion well. In choosing the stable path, the boy is forced to comply with a standard life, something he has never approved of, leading to, as you said oh wise one, an increased state of bitterness and resentment, which we all know leads to a life empowered by the nihilistic ideas. I believe that is rather the life we cannot put the boy in Mr. Red. And although the boy is good at overcoming negative emotion, living with it from day to day, asking himself that oh so wearisome ‘what if?’ question, will wear the child down. Yes, he will be able to live a life with less snakes in the grass on the stable path, but what will he live for? A family? A great source of meaning, do not get me wrong, but we know this child too well to deny the fact that will be an unsatisfactory outcome in the long haul. Let us also consider the situation in which the boy is forced to settle due to his mediocre position in the social hierarchy. Once again, resentment and bitterness, too powerful to content with. Your standpoint is too objective my red friend; it fails to acknowledge the child’s subjective nature. We all know that meaning is the primary source of everything good and the extreme approach is the only path that offers a reliable source of meaning. That is why I believe we must tread down that dangerous road, with caution and guidance from us. In particular from you my red friend, for it is your sense of disincline and your hard hand which will be sure to keep the boy on a course of some sort.”


The Witch praised the Angel’s fine speech, but she was worried about the results. The Devil sat once again, muttering under his breath. The Wise King mulled over the Angel’s somewhat forward words, which had taken him off guard, and then he responded. “Well put holy one.” Silence entered the court, as the room awaited the Wise King’s statement. “Being the representative of divine order, I naturally lean towards the stable approach. I think an argument can be made against your claim that a family will not provide a sustainable source of meaning; a strong argument. I also acknowledge the standpoint of my counterpart in that, the boy might join the zero, and who are we to even put that option on the table?” The Devil was beginning to look confident in his counterpart’s position. “However, the point you make Witch, namely, the boy is an explorer; that is hard to refute. For that means, if we force the boy to deny his innate programming, i.e. his longing to push his limitation, then we have failed him. We are here to accentuate the better parts of the child, not supress them. It ties in with what you were saying oh holy one, about the emotional state derived from each decision. If we go down the stable road, I do believe the boy will ultimately live in a state of resentment and bitterness; I hate to admit that. That is enough to pull me over to the extreme side, as much as it terrifies me. Nevertheless, I am confident in our ability to guide the child towards prosperity and I am willing to take on the challenge. Let us not forget, there will be a many more forks in the road in the future; one stable, the other extreme. Generally speaking, I think the extreme path is the ideal guide, but this will not always be the case; hear me now!”


“I acknowledge your point there oh wise one. Moreover, I thank you for seeing our side of the coin, against your nature. The extreme path will actually offer more forks in the road in general, which helps satisfy the boy’s curiosity. Moreover, do not think that I will not be joining you on the stable road in the future, for I know there is a time and a place to tread that road. In conclusion, I think we can agree that the extreme path is the optimal decision in regards to how this boy should pave his way towards a bright future, for the time being at least. Judge, we are ready for your verdict, take your time.” Concluded The Angel.


The Judges Response: 31/08/19, 0930

“Thank you for the perspective you provide me, all of you, it would be impossible otherwise. To the matter at hand. I agree with your decision. I think I knew this from the start, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t need to hear your points. I understand your concern Devil, but bitterness and resentment about what could have been is just too powerful. I cannot imagine indulging in the stability of a 9-5 life style. Even though I have not attempted that course, I know it will drain me and bring about my inner demons. I’m sure there will be a time when I have to indulge in that life style for a period, but I am going to prolong that for as long as I can. The most important factor contributing to my verdict is age. I’m only 24! If I don’t try to create a career now, rather than settle for a job, then my opportunities will decrease as the numbers increase. Especially as my current load of responsibility, outside of myself, is basically non-existent, which I imagine will only increase with age with the introduction of a partner, kids, property, doggo, fuckin life! Na, I do look forward to all of that, but I want to have myself on lock down before we get there. Selfish? Maybe, but maybe this is the time to be selfish. 24, heaps of time! The extreme path excites me, and allows me to explore all potential career avenues. In failing my passion, there is always a 9-5 to be filled. I need to allow for time to naturally blossom into whatever I can make of myself. You just never know what you are good at until you engage in said discipline; or that’s my view at least. 24! May as well try my luck in them; this is the time to discover my talents and align them with passion! This is the time to ‘find myself’, as cheesy as that is. It’s gotta be done at some point, the sooner the better I say. Thank you all once again, kind regards.”

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