First Conceived: 07/06/19, 0911
Yeees Debussy (wooo scary, Debussy was playing when I came back to read this as well!)! I rate this classical piece (dunu the name though). Ok, so we all understand what it means to be a DAWK now? Kinda? Let us put the process into action again, it may help you stragglers. As mentioned in the explanatory piece, my council was looking into the schedule dilemma and how it should be put into practice, so let us go there. This was the first one I completed, so some of the nuts and bolts need tightening but the idea runs the same
The Angel began. “Let us come together my fellow council members. The time has come to replace our old schedule for a new and improved version, one that allows the child to bring forth his best qualities. I believe our previous schedule was asking too much of the boy and it ran him rampant. He was barely able to share joy with others, he could not exit the schedule without a sense of remorse and he was constantly judging his performance in a negative light. I suggest a liberal approach, something that enables more freedom, a means to step away from the schedule, something that allows him to explore mother earth and foster new experiences. We all know how important it is for the child to get out and meet the world. If we just…”
The Devil interrupted. “Tit-tat, tit-tat, tit-tat. Thanks for the input ‘your holiness’, but this is absurd! I oppose your proposition based on an analysis of the data. My thesis is on the contrary; the schedule should be tightened and implemented with more force. When we look back on last month’s schedule, the servant stepped outside of the bounds too often, which was unacceptable! We must enforce these boundaries with more coercion, or else the boy will fall into oblivion, like the old hag sitting next to you your holiness. It is my belief that the previous schedule was arranged in perfection, and he will only improve as he continues to engage with it. Everything comes with time my fellow council members, you can trust me. Put your faith in this order! You cannot deny that when he did successfully engage in the agreed upon schedule, he made immense progress, you cannot deny that! In all likelihood it was the most productive he has been, EVER. Why would we turn our backs on that?”
The Witch was ready to lash out, but the Angel managed to cool her, allowing space for The Wise King to step in to moderate the Devil. “You make some valid points, both of you. I agree with my counterpart in that the boy was the most productive I had ever seen when he successfully implemented the schedule. However, I agree with you ma’am when you say joy was amiss in this schedule. Red man, have you ever considered that the reason he could not constantly implement our previous schedule was that it was un-implementable? Now I am not necessarily asserting that point, but it is a possibility, perhaps a probability. I initially thought the previous schedule had a good work/life/joy balance in its construction phase, but now I think the Angel has hit the nail on the head. Joy is essential for this child to bring forth his full potential. As much as you hate to agree with that premise my red friend, I think you know it to be true. We have all agreed, it is of the utmost importance that our child presents himself to the world in a valiant manner. I can know see how joy is a key component in manifesting this valiant being. It wipes his courage away, leaving the boy timid in the social realm. We cannot allow a lack of joy, and therefore courage, to impair his social advancement; it will be too costly in the long haul.”
The Witch was eager to let her tongue loose and finally had her chance to explode. “You are all fools! Especially you, you fucking tyrant! It’s obvious, can’t you see? For the boy advance, we need to let him enter the world and explore; we must set his shackles free. There’s too much pressure on him, too much. He needs to let loose! Give him the chance to go out into the world and look for where to go next. Let him see it, then he can choose what would be his next best move. He needs a break, and as you two were saying, he needs to bring the joy back! Let the kid have a goddamn beer; it’s time to get wild. We all know that the boy feels best when he goes wild. Let the boy go on schedule less!”
The Wise King intercepted. “Only momentarily. Your suggestion would impair the boy’s future if we were to go on in such a manner. Your guidance may bring forth the highest level of joy, but let us not forget the danger of joy. True enough, it is a requirement, but it must be moderated like anything else.”
The Angel nodded. “I agree. I feel like we are somewhat on the same page here wise one. The schedule must be loosened, but not completely disposed of. Joy should play an essential part in the child’s livelihood, but too much can push into a nasty realm. And I agree with you Mr Devil, in that the boy was at his most productive during our last schedule, which is why I believe we still need a structure. However, the boy’s health/well-being must be of higher priority than productivity, for without health, we succumb to the ultimate enemy; death.”
The Wise King addressed the Witch, “I agree with you also, the boy must be allowed to go wild. Nevertheless, he should not live in the wild; he is no animal. Let us allow for an allocated time where the boy can engage in wild behaviour, in which the Witch can take the light. Do not forget my red friend; we will need you to help the boy bounce back after these chaotic moments and realise the importance of his agreed upon schedule. So what are your thoughts on the matter judge?”
The Judge's Response: 10/06/19, 1302
“hmmmmm, it is a tough one. I had a presupposed view similar to that of the Devil. Whereas, I also felt like I was due to engage in a bit of holiganary as suggested by the Witch. After listening to you all, I ultimately do believe the schedule was leaning more on the tyrannical side than it should. It was too tight and extremely hard to satisfy. I think that the Angel made a good initial point on the joy front. It is something I can take for granted and forget to seek. But I will definitely need your help Wise King to make sure I do not over indulge. You guys always help me run through these problems, problems I sometimes don’t even know exist. Good to catch up again and I will see you shortly, for there are a plenty more dilemma’s to bring to thought!”